LACC's 50th Anniversary Celebration     

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On July 29, 2021, approximately 200 attendees gathered in the Los Angeles Convention Center's iconic West Hall Lobby to celebrate the LACC’s 50th Anniversary. 

City of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti addressed the group that included City and State officials, event organizers, Convention Center partners, the downtown LA hospitality community, and current and former LACC employees. 


Additional remarks were mady by;

- Doane Liu, Executive Director, Los Angeles City Touism Dept 

- Adam Burke, President & CEO, LATCB

- Ron Bension, President & CEO, ASM Global

- Ellen Schwartz, General Manager, LACC


During the celebration, the newly-launced LACC Hall of Fame debuted, naming three events as inaugural inductees. Each of these events embody the spirit of the Convention Center. To commemorate their induction, Mayor Garcetti presented each of the organizers with a framed proclamation from the City of Los Angeles.


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  • Ski Dazzle Founders Jim Foster and Judy Gray with Mayor Garcetti
  • LA Auto Show Owner Lisa Kaz with Mayor Garcetti
  • Anime Expo CEO Ray Chiang, Sr. Director of Operations Matt Thomas with Mayor Garcetti

Moving forward, each July additional events will be named to the LACC Hall of Fame.

Collectively, these events will illustrate the vibrant history of the Los Angeles Convention Center.